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We are Called "the Light of the World"

By Larry Walters, a Sent One

Mat 5:16, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”

We have underlined and placed in italics verse 16 on purpose for this teaching for it will be the theme verse for us today.
What does it me to “let”? Does this imply that the shining is up to us? In a sense, yes it does! If our lights are hidden then who are we bringing glory to? Satan.

I believe that as we mature and live the life of a disciple that there will come a point where it is as if our light is just “on” and all see and know that we are followers of Messiah. Until this happens, “let” us make sure that we are daily turning “on” the Light that is in us.

Also, the word “light” can also be translated as “to shine”, or “make manifest” also “fire, (and) light.” In the darkness we have no problem seeing a fire burning in the distance. We can easily see a light that shines i.e. with rays.

One translation tells us “So let radiate the light of your’s before men…” radiated light cannot be concealed. The definition of “radiate” is to “Emit (energy, esp. light or heat) in the form of rays or waves… (of light, heat, or other energy). Be emitted in such a way.”[1]

There is the audience, “before men” those within our scope of influence and line of sight. This reminds me of a saying, “Share the Gospel with everyone you meet; if necessary use words.” We are living epistles, living books which should read from cover to cover the love and life of our Messiah.

And there is the “how” in which our lights are to shine or radiate; through our good works. We are told, “As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all (men), especially unto them who are of the household of faith.”-Gal 6:10 Moreover, in Eph 2:10 that, “we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus UNTO GOOD WORKS, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.”

Here is the reason, the “why” we are to shine. When we radiate, it is the fire of Yah that is inside of us shining for the “kingdom of God is within” us (Lk 17:21), and we cause others to glorify our Father! Our purpose is to cause others to bring glory unto our Father.

This is where so many today miss the mark. They want to be “Center-Stage.” They want to declare, “Look at what I have or we have done for you God!” They want to see their “market-share” increase. They are more concerned with vain-glory than eternal glory for the Father. Pride…it still comes before destruction.

What about today? Is this passage still for us today? Let’s look at “light” from a different perspective and then we can decide. Let’s look at the “church” in general today.

I believe we all prefer to live in our comfort zone. It is comfortable sitting around a coffee shop or in our living rooms sharing with believers about Messiah. Do not misunderstand me this fellowship is necessary for growth. However, it is not our dwelling place.

Too often we prefer this “comfortable place” around the Father's table instead of going to work in His field. Praise Yah, there are those who have heard the cries of the lost; those who are without Hope. These cries are what drive them to push away from the table. And it compels them to exchange robes of comfort for the garments of labor.

This keeps you up late at night toiling in prayer while others are fast asleep. This is what will wake you early in the morning. And this burden carries you throughout your day.

How do I know this? We have been given the burden to reach the unreached peoples of India. At times it seems almost too great to bear. And, at times, we can become overwhelmed when our focus is upon the task before us.

Then we must remember to place our focus upon the One Who told us to cast all of our cares upon Him. In exchange, we become yoked together with Him. For His yoke is easy and His burden light. Still, this is our cross to bear.

We are called to carry the Light into the darkness. We tread into places where others fear to walk. Where great darkness resides is the opportunity for the Light to shine greater still!

We do not measure darkness…instead we measure Light; or its absence. The darkest corners of our world are dark because the Light has not shinned upon them. We are called the “light of the world.” The “Light of the World” has one purpose, to dispel the darkness.

In a brightly lit room when we turn on “another light” its effects are barely noticeable. In a room that has no light; even the smallest flame can give revelation. When two or three flames come together then all can see clearly and be warmed by their fire.

Have you ever gone camping? Did you notice that after a while of living with minimal light how your eyes became adjusted to the weakness of the light? In some areas the light is dim and needs encouraged “to grow”.

At times while camping, the fires burn out and there is almost no light. Even there, after a while, you can begin to “see” your way around the campsite. When you turn on your flashlight you can see much more clearly. His word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path!

And how many of us remember sleeping in our cozy rooms all snuggled together with our blankets and pillows when someone comes into the room and turns on the light. Ouch! “Turn off that light, it’s too bright!” we cry. Try as we might to hide our eyes from the light it seems to penetrate through our blankets so we cover our heads with our pillow to no avail.

This is how it is when we carry the Light into the dark regions without the Gospel. The Light has one purpose…to dispel the darkness. This is the purpose for which Messiah came, that He might destroy the works, the darkness, of the devil.

When we carry the Light to those who have never heard we become partners, or one, with the Light! This is why demons flee when we enter into their familiar places.

When the light comes in, we are told, “Men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.”(Jn 3:19) The light has one purpose when it meets sinful men; to reprove their evil deeds. (Jn 3:20) This is why those who do evil hate the light. But we are not here to provide them with comfort and ease as they walk blindly into hell.

No we are to be bright shining; burning lights so that they can see there is a better Way. And that Way is Messiah Yahshua! He is the Wt to the Father; without Him no one can come unto the Abba. Please, stop trying to hide the Light that is in you!

Will you send us to carry the Light to those who are still living in darkness? Better still, who will go with us, shining the Light of Messiah where it has yet to be seen? Become a torch-bearer of the Gospel and “let your Light so shine before men that they might see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven!”

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Together we will “So Shine” in the world; bringing Him glory!

In Simple Obedience and Love,
Evangelists Larry and Ana Walters
Apostle to the Peoples of India
Acts 26:16-18                                                                                              

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[1] Merriam-Webster; 

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